London Cluster Fly Pest Control
While cluster flies are strictly not parasitic on humans and do not lay their eggs in human food, their nests often prove an irritation and can leave unwelcome detritus inside of properties.
While they reach maturity in late summer, they will usually move inside during the colder months to hibernate, and they favour human habitations for their warmth.
They are able to enter through very small fissures or openings and will often establish themselves in attics and places that are rarely visited.
Unlike bees and wasps, they will not sting or engage in aggressive swarm behaviour, but they will often re-emerge from their crevices in very large numbers when they feel it is time to stop hibernating, and thus will “cluster” around windows and disperse throughout the house trying to get outside.

Cluster Fly Proofing and Removal
Where other flies are attracted to untended food and rotting biological material around the house and may be kept out by ensuring the proper disposal of waste, this will not prevent the entry of cluster flies, who usually lay their eggs in earthworms in gardens and are thus not drawn by food matter.
London Insect Control will typically deploy a knock-down fog treatment or a smoke generator to get rid of cluster flies, wherever they have ended up congregating.
Unlike hive-building insects, cluster flies do not build structures, but will rather use inaccessible nooks and crannies within a home, hibernating inside. As such, they can be very hard to dislodge, as the extent and location of a swarm can be hard to figure out for a non-professional. In addition to this, cluster flies mark their chosen hibernation-spot with a pheromone that will attract other flies, meaning that care must be taken to ensure that an apparently-exterminated swarm is not re-established by other cluster flies drawn to the scent.
Our technicians know the hibernating and swarming habits of cluster flies, and have the necessary equipment to ensure that an infestation does not become a recurring problem.
Our Expert Bee Control Technicians
Since cluster flies so often come indoors in Autumn times, London Pest Control receives the greatest volume of complaints in the weeks leading up to Christmas, often when people go to retrieve Christmas decorations and find their loft covered in flies. This can be a very difficult time to deal with the inconvenience of a pest infestation, but over the years our technicians have become very familiar with this situation, and they are able to deal with cluster fly swarms without any intrusive or toxic procedures that might interrupt holiday plans.
We are also able to provide consultations to keep you informed about the nature of cluster flies and the measures that can be taken to ensure they will not return.